Ann Reisman - A Woman of Distinction

Annually, the Suffolk County Legislation awards a Woman of Distinction Proclamation in each county district. This year Bridget Fleming, our representative from the Second District, selected Ann Reisman, President of the North Sea Maritime Center for the award. At the Southampton Town Board’s Work Session on May 25th, she read the proclamation citing Ann’s contributions in volunteer service to environmental and historical concerns in her community. Ann has served “with leadership, commitment, dedication and involvement” on the board of the Southampton Historical Society, as a member of the North Sea Advisory Committee, the Southampton Town Waterfront Protection Program Advisory Committee, the Sustainable Southampton (the Green) Advisory Committee and most recently as the president of the newly formed organization to steward the historic Tupper Boathouse. Ms. Fleming concluded with congratulations, thanks and best wishes to Ann as worthy of the honor and the gratitude of the County.